Tibet, also known as”the roof of the world” is an autonomous region of China and occupies a vast area of plateaus and mountains in Himalaya including mount Everest which is shared with Nepal.  Tibet Autonomous Region has its boarders with other provinces of China, Nepal, Bhutan and state of Ladakh in India.

Tibet is traditionally the homeland of Tibetan people and Tibetan Buddhism and have been having a very disrupted history where-in it has been an independent entity for some times while other times under the control of Chinese and Mongol rulers till 1950. The major tussle started in 1913 when Tibet declared itself as an independent country under the leadership of Dalai Lama. In 1950, Chinese forces invaded Tibet and defeated Tibetans local army. In 1951, Tibetan representatives signed a 17 point agreement with Chinese government affirming China’s sovereignty over Tibet and providing an autonomous administration led by Dalai Lama. However, in 1955, Chinese government established another committee to prepare another draft for the exclusion of Dalai Lama’s administration from Tibet. In 1959, Dalai Lama 14th (present Dalai Lama), under the threat to his life from Chinese forces, fled to India and established Central Government of Tibet in Exile in Dharamshala, a city in Himachal Pradesh, in India. It is believed that thousands of Tibetans were killed and many of the Buddhist monasteries and temples of historic importance were destroyed  during this process. Under the interventions of United Nations, Tibet Autonomous Region in 1965 under the sovereignty of China. Today’s, Tibet is actually Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) which just has a small part of of original Tibetan Cultural region before 1959. Other parts of Tibetan Cultural Region have been fully merged with other Chinese provinces. It is since 1980, China started reforms and opening the doors of Tibet and started investments for the development of the region.

Tibet ( TAR ), is the highest plateau on earth with its capital as Lhasa at 3650 meters. Tibet today is a world famous tourist destination with its high passes draped with colourful prayer flags, illuminated mountain peaks at sun rise and sun set, colour changing lakes, architectural magnificence of palaces and monasteries, spirituality of lamas and monks, all framed in Tibetan culture and history.